Venezuela: electoral fraud and bloodbath

Luis Gonzales Posada

By: Luis Gonzales Posada - 20/07/2024

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With fifteen days left until the presidential elections in Venezuela, all indicators project that the candidate of the democratic platform, Eduardo González Urrutia, will win the elections by a landslide.

On July 5, the international company Meganalisis published a survey stating that the opposition representative has the preference of 72% of voters and Maduro 14%; a difference of 6 to 1.

In this context, the United Nations (UNHCR) reported that, of the 4 million 500 thousand Venezuelans residing abroad, only 69,189 will vote; that is, 1.5%.

In Colombia, with a million and a half exiled llaneros, it will cover 7,012; in Chile, 2,659; and, in our country, of the 900 thousand citizens who could do so, 660 are authorized; less than 1%.

This data is very important because the opposition has the preference of 98.4% of the electorate abroad and, therefore, the ruling party has blocked its participation.

All of the above indicates that an ominous scam is underway, given the resilience of the region's democracies, which do not dare to report the serious irregularities detected.

Furthermore, the event is in charge of the National Electoral Council, a discredited institution that is part of the mafia machinery of Chavismo; and, for that reason, 83.3% of the population does not trust said entity.

Furthermore, when asked what they will do if Maduro wins, 35% of Venezuelans responded that they would leave the country, an alarming percentage because if this disaster occurs the exodus will increase from 8 million to an additional two or three million, accentuating the humanitarian crisis in the land of the Liberator and affecting the stability of the nations receiving migrants.

With observers from the European Community and the OAS banned, Maduro has reinforced his authoritarianism by expressing that “we will win by hook or by crook.” Later, Diosdado Cabello, head of repression, described González Urrutia as a “decrepit old man, a filthy character, appointed by the empire,” adding that “neither by hook nor by crook are they going to govern.”

Regarding the oversight, Cabello, a thug accused by the New York prosecutor's office of being a member of the drug trafficking gang "Cartel de los Soles" and for whose capture the FBI and the DEA offer a reward of 15 million dollars, stated that "don't get involved the gringos, let the European Union stick its nose out where it doesn't have to stick. We are going to send them to hell for a long time”; a vulgar phrase, typical of the language of the thugs of the Aragua Train.

But the repressive escalation continues. The government has prohibited hotels from hosting María Corina Machado (MCM), aviation companies from selling her tickets, and when she travels on the road, brigades of thugs block the roads and attack her supporters.

Now Maduro tightens the turnstile of oppression by maintaining that if they do not win “there will be a bloodbath” and as a preamble to this criminal threat, MCM showed on television that cars in his entourage had been vandalized and the brake cables cut; From there he has to make an attempt on his life, there is only one step.

Faced with this serious situation, it is essential that the democratic regimes of the hemisphere raise their voice of protest in defense of democracy, freedoms and human rights, devastated by a satrapy since 1999. The Peruvian government would do well to express its repudiation of the acts of barbarism that Maduro commits, in summoning our ambassador in Caracas for consultation and demanding an emergency meeting of the OAS, in application of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

In short, time is running out to avoid a major political tragedy, which could lead to more imprisonments and deaths, if not a civil war.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».