Venezuela and the shadow of a mega electoral fraud

Diego Arria

By: Diego Arria - 20/07/2024

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«There is a decrepit old man of savage capitalism who wants to take power and a decrepit old woman, promoters of the hate ideology of fascism, who have a plan to exterminate us. They are a criminal oligarchy. Are we going to let these decrepit people who want a bloodbath provoke a civil war?«.

These are public messages from Nicolás Maduro when referring to the unitary opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzales, and María Corina Machado, who has become the leader of a true peaceful popular insurgency, but illegally disqualified by the regime from running as a candidate, first chapter of the mega electoral fraud that the ruling party has been preparing to retain power the hard way. For that reason, Maduro has also sworn before the command of the Armed Forces that he will not hand over power. A threat that his Defense Minister, General Vladimir Padrino, often complements with the statement that the opposition "will never be a political power as long as an Armed Force like ours exists. Anti-imperialist, Chavista and revolutionary.

And they have done that for 25 years. Subjugate the Venezuelan people and transform the Chavista regime into a criminal corporation, partner of the main drug cartels and the Colombian guerrilla narcos that live in a good part of our territory. An activity that, of course, has not gone unnoticed by the international community, as demonstrated, for example, by the United States, whose judicial authorities offer a reward of 15 million dollars to anyone who facilitates the capture of Nicolás Maduro and 10 million dollars for that of the regime's second man, Diosdado Cabello. Both, by the way, with an investigation opened by the International Criminal Court, accused of being part of the chain of command responsible for countless crimes against humanity committed in Venezuela, including torture and even the rape of political prisoners against many of the 320 political prisoners, half of them military, locked up in the regime's sinister prisons.

On the other hand, Hugo Chávez first and then Maduro have managed to impoverish a country that has gone from producing 3.5 million barrels of oil per day to 700 thousand, of which 100 thousand are delivered to the Cuban Government for the services provided to Venezuela, which range from intelligence work and control of the military and the civilian population, to the teaching of harassment, persecution and torture techniques, in which the Cuban "revolutionaries" are experts. Incredible that an island with a third of Venezuela's population acts in Venezuela and is recognized by its government as an occupying power of our sovereignty!

In the midst of this Venezuelan tragedy, which includes the exodus of 8 million of our population, forced by the desperation caused by the worst economic and social crisis in the country's republican history. Whose devastating effects have generated the disappearance of all State institutions and have ended up exterminating even the most basic ingredients of representative democracy. A reality that forces us to ask ourselves what kind of elections will be held on July 28.

The truth is that Venezuela will not participate this July 28 in a simple electoral exercise, but in an authentic battle for freedom, and it will only be achieved by completely removing the Chavista narco-tyranny from power. Hence, the Venezuelan people have been massively demonstrating their commitment and support for the candidacy of Edmundo Gonzales, to whom María Corina Machado has endorsed the monumental and growing support that she has achieved thanks to the feat of converting the desperation of the vast majority of the country in the hope of being able to rescue with votes the freedom, dignity and reunion of the fractured Venezuelan family, currently scattered around the world. A hope whose magnitude is evidenced by all the opinion polls, which predict a victory for Edmundo González who, in the worst case scenario, will surpass Maduro by 20 points. A result that has never happened in the electoral history of Venezuela.

The problem lies in the capacity of the regime, demonstrated during its 25 years of existence, to alter the electoral result, raising the fear that, in effect, the regime will fall into the temptation of committing what would be a mega electoral fraud. However, in its menu of options, the regime contemplates being forced to recognize its defeat. In anticipation of this, and as the transfer of presidential command will take place in January of next year, Maduro has already called for a referendum on August 25 to apply a Law of Communal Power, with the aim of putting an end to the defined democratic character. in the current Constitution and replace with a new political system, that of the four thousand communes that are already organized, which from that moment on would assume all the powers of the State and would render null and void the result and meaning of the presidential election of the 28th. of July.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».