The Valkyries are mythology

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 21/07/2024

Guest columnist.
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When I was a child, back in the late 80s, my father enrolled me in the most renowned soccer school in my city, in fact, it was the only one. The coach told me directly: "You don't have the conditions to play football, but you can stay to pass the time." That's what I did, I spent the time slowly running after a ball, almost never touching it, but knocking down the other kids because of my weight and strength.

Years later, I discovered that being an endomorph, which was a disadvantage for speed disciplines, such as volleyball, or high aesthetics, such as bodybuilding, was my natural advantage for strength and contact sports, for example, weightlifting and karate. Since then I have never separated myself from irons and dumbbells, even today, at 44 years old, I continue training several days a week.

What is all this story about?

Because my generation grew up accepting the limits that life places on you, whether physical, economic or other conditions. The X, which is how those born between 70 and 80 are known, were not capricious. On the contrary, we learned to use our talents and handicaps to our advantage.

Gregory Christopher Lukianoff, in his book: Transforming the Modern Mind, explains that, unlike the of a hose or spent hours in the sun, and 2) Formal education poisoned by progressivism.

Overprotective parents raised children, now adults, who won't take no, worse yet, unable to tolerate frustrations, no wonder the high rates of depression diagnosis.

For its part, progressive education did nothing other than bring youth whims to the state sphere and to the design of public policies based on feelings and desires, for example, gender quotas in the Armed Forces and other security institutions.


The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania exposes an undeniable truth: The inclusion of women in the Secret Service, especially for high-risk roles, is a structural failure, as female agents, despite their bravery and determination, They failed to act with the necessary effectiveness at a critical moment; one even used the former president as a shield.

This is not a woman's flaw: women are simply not men (and vice versa). Women should not be on the front line of fire, their bodies, like their instincts, are not oriented toward that end. This is not to disparage the female sex, but rather we must recognize that certain tasks require predominantly masculine characteristics, such as physical strength and the ability to remain calm and efficient under extreme pressure.

The Valkyries, warriors in the service of Odin, are mythological figures, but the reality is different. For example, the American College of Sports Medicine explains that men have approximately 50% more strength in the upper body and 30% more strength in the lower body. Additionally, research published in the Public Library of Science shows that men tend to think and act more quickly in emergency or risk situations. These differences are critical in scenarios that require quick responses and physical stamina, such as protecting dignitaries.

It is true that there are exceptions to the rule, but that's what they are. Nothing is more dangerous than carrying out analysis from exceptions, since a butterfly does not make a summer.

Recovering common sense begins by recognizing that men and women are different. Ladies, as much as feminism says otherwise, are designed to give life. We, although progressivism does not want to accept it, are willing to sacrifice it.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».