The state of helplessness of the people from Venezuela has ended

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín

By: Carlos Sánchez Berzaín - 25/07/2024

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The vulnerability, lack of protection, and weakness to, and with, which the dictatorship took the people from Venezuela have changed and have been replaced by strength, conviction, and resistance. The persistent fight for freedom led by Maria Corina Machado with the candidacy of Edmundo Gonzales Urrutia, have turned the elections process of this forthcoming 28 July in the liberation of the Venezuelan peoples thus ending their condition of helplessness. In this century, Venezuela is the main terrain of the expansion of Cuba’s dictatorship. A transnational crime group with the political brand of 21st Century Socialism, started by the allegiance of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez (Castrochavism), that transformed one of the wealthiest and most stable country from Latin America into a miserable narco-State, a launching platform of dictatorships from Russia, China, and Iran and produced the exile of eight million Venezuelans.

In the Venezuela of the 21st century, just as in all countries under the same dictatorial system, they replaced the “rule of law” by the “state of helplessness,” violating all human rights, perpetrating crimes against humanity, wielding power through “State-terrorism,” replacing the law of the republic with “despicable laws,” eliminating the separation and independence of the branches of government with the control of prosecutors and judges to accuse, persecute, torture, extort, imprison, assassinate, and cover it all up.

With the same system that Cuba’s dictatorship keeps power since over 65 years ago, and with the direct participation of Castroist executors, they subjected the peoples whom they took to famine, misery, exile, and death. They built and maintain a “functional opposition” subordinated to the regime with whose betrayal and corruption they prolongate the simulation of a democratic narrative to cover up its condition of “vote-catching dictatorship” in which people vote but do not elect.

With force, violence, and corruption they committed successive electoral frauds based on the alteration of voters’ registries, the manipulation of the population’s demographics, the physical or administrative elimination of real opposition members, the public intimidation and harassment, the manipulation of the scrutiny of ballots, fake news, functional opposition members, and much more. By forming the Forum of Sao Paolo and the Group of Puebla, as well as other dictatorships and Para-Dictatorial governments, they implemented and control an international system to avail and accept the fraudulent electoral results

With an institutionalized criminal system as legal and with the force and impunity gained from his control of the State, dictator Nicolas Maduro called to have elections to secure a new “manipulated victory” and reneged on his commitment to the Accord from Barbados. He also ordered the disqualification of the “sole opposition’s candidate Maria Corina Machado” who had won such distinction with 92.5% of the votes, the disqualification of Corina Yoris, and chose who the opposition’s candidates will be.

Dictator Maduro’s campaign consists of daily manipulations, crime, State-terrorism, as proven by; the fact that he ordered the placing of his photograph and candidacy 13 times in each electoral ballot, the taking of over 100 leaders of the opposition’s campaign as political prisoners, keep six politically persecuted at the Argentine embassy in Caracas, order the imprisonment of people who back Edmundo Gonzales Urrutia’s campaign led by Maria Corina Machado, sanction and close restaurants and hotels who cater to members from the opposition, blockade roadways to disrupt travel, intimidate and threaten against, opposition’s gatherings, deny permission for elections to be monitored by observers from the European Union, prevent the entrance to Venezuela of international institutions and observers, and “use fear as the main message of the campaign.”

Dictator/candidate Maduro is only repeating the methodology that was successfully applied before in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. With a nearly 80% of rejection from the Venezuelan people, with polls that give him only 20% of voters’ intention against 64% for Gonzales Urrutia, although he has the system to counterfeit the results, factual reality no longer allows it. In this objective reality, Maduro has perpetrated direct State-terrorism by threatening a “blood-bath and a fratricidal civil war” to occur if he does not win the elections that he cannot win.

Venezuela’s electoral process has gone beyond being “the preparatory phase for the elections” on 28 July and has become Maduro’s and 21st Century Socialism’s definitive and strategic defeat.

Venezuelan peoples are no longer afraid, they are on the streets and in massive gatherings, they have conquered the forcible electoral absenteeism forced upon them by the dictatorship, they are in active civil resistance, and they have ended their state of helplessness. They are stronger than the dictatorship and have forced the dictator to confess his defeat by his threats of a “blood-bath and a fratricidal civil war,” that only forebodes the unavoidable end of Venezuela’s occupation.

*Attorney & Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Translation from Spanish by Edgar L. Terrazas

Published in Spanish by Sunday July 21, 2024

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