The Sao Paulo Forum, the maras and the clercs

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 2022/07/04

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Roger Scruton (one of the most important conservative thinkers of the 20th century) explained, very precisely, the difference between politics and electoral babble. The first seeks, essentially, the preservation of order, the preservation of peace and the application of justice. The second is the lie brought to the polls.

On the other hand, in his book La trahison des clercs—a work published in 1927, whose title roughly translates as The Treachery of Scholars—the French essayist Julien Benda observed and described the academic elites of his day. Benda showed that many of his contemporary intellectuals were not seeking the truth, but rather creating passions in public opinion that would serve totalitarian causes.

Ten years before Stalin's Great Terror and six years after Hitler came to power, Benda already feared that writers, journalists and essayists -turned into propagandists- would incite entire civilizations to carry out acts of violence. Something that, in fact, happened, and that continues to happen today.

In simple words, the clercs are the ones in charge of building stories. They are the ones behind the myths about Cuban education and health, or the Bolivian economic “miracle.” They are the ones who turn lies into truth. Ultimately, your job is for a tyrant to seize and hold power.

Now it's time to exercise the Socratic maieutics. Is the Sao Paulo Forum a political group or a crime cartel?

The Sao Paulo Forum (FSP) was born in the early 1990s. Its founders were Fidel Castro, Lula da Silva and other leaders of the Latin American left. Its stated goals were to discuss the future of the region after the fall of the Soviet Union, and to combat the consequences of “neoliberalism.”

There we can see the first work of the clercs. Well, “neoliberalism” is a fetish concept that serves to blame whatever evil appears. For example, if women do not find employment, it is the fault of neoliberalism supported by “patriarchy”. If a lake is polluted, the culprit is – well, you know – «neoliberalism» and its excessive ambition, so we can go on for hours.

Likewise, the clerics created “victims” and “heroes” tailored to each country. In Bolivia they resumed the indigenist discourse. In Argentina they promoted feminism and the LGTB movements. In Venezuela they used the figure of Simón Bolívar to mount Hugo Chávez in the presidential chair.

Many clerks are fully aware of the work they do. Others are, in the words of Fidel Castro himself: “useful idiots.” Carlos Mesa, Amalia Pando and Carlos Valverde were part of the useful idiots who built the myth of Evo Morales, for example.

Now let's see the relationship of the Sao Paulo Forum with regional crime.

History shows that it was drug traffickers Pablo Escobar and Roberto Suarez who introduced Fidel Castro to the cocaine business. The agreements included the use of Cuban bases to smuggle drugs into the United States. In addition, training in urban guerrilla techniques for subversive groups.

Since the mid-1990s, the FSP used these groups to attack regional democracies. In 2003, with the overthrow of Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada in Bolivia, he demonstrated that terrorist actions – camouflaged as social “protest” – can topple governments.

Since the assault on power by Morales and his gang, Bolivia has become a kind of paradise for drug traffickers. In October 2003 the republic died, the narco-state was born.

In mid-June 2022, deputy Rolando Cuéllar – expelled from Evo Morales' party for asking for leadership renewal – assured that many activities of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) are financed with large economic contributions from drug trafficking.

The parliamentarian presented a letter where the vice president of the MAS, Gerardo García, thanks the economic contributions made by José Miguel Farfán (El Chapo del Cono Sur), through the false identity of Miguel Ángel Salazar Yavi, to the different electoral campaigns since 2014.

In 2002, police arrested Chilean Mauricio Hernández Norambuena in Brazil. The guerrilla, a member of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front Organization (FPMR), had been a fugitive from Chilean justice since 1996. Hernández Norambuena, or Commander Ramiro as he is defined, was the operational leader of the organization. In addition, given his training in insurgency and terrorism, he held the rank of colonel in the Cuban army.

In prison he met Marcos Herbas Camacho, the second man in the PCC. From that relationship was born the agreement between the Brazilian cartel and the Cuban dictatorship, allowing PCC gang members to have access to weapons and Castro's training.

Brazilian journalist Leonardo Coutinho, in an article entitled: The various faces of the PCC, explains that a large number of Colombian guerrillas became hired thugs for the PCC and other cartels around the region. Many of these new elements are operating in Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile with complete freedom.

Right now, Ecuador is the new scene of conflict. The Whipala terrorists have set the country on fire with the same techniques that Castrochavism used in Bolivia in 2003. Similarly, Assemblyman Fernando Cedeño, under the excuse of social crisis, presented the motion to remove Lasso from his post, a strategy that So far, it has not been successful. The subversives do not care about the deaths or the destruction of the country's economy, their real goal is for Leónidas Iza to take power.

For all of the above, and returning to the question. No. The Sao Paulo Forum is not a political group. It is a type three gang that has already spread its claws throughout the region. One, because the way they come to power is by overthrowing democratic governments. And two, because as soon as they take over the countries, they eliminate all freedoms, turning entire populations into hostages of the drug cartels.

“The opinions published here are the sole responsibility of their author.”