Salvador Allende, the Soviet agent defeated by Pinochet

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 17/09/2023

Guest columnist.
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In January 1966, specifically, between the 3rd and the 15th, Fidel Castro called his militiamen to a conclave called: The Tricontinental. The objective of the convention was to establish fighting strategies for the following decade, which obviously included armed groups. Among the more than 500 attendees was Salvador Allende, who at that time was a senator in the Chilean Congress.

Upon returning from the Castro-communist criminal summit, Allende began his race for the 1970 presidential elections. But we were not talking about a campaign solely limited within democratic limits, but also about a destabilizing and terrorist agenda, since Castro had established two mechanisms to take power in Chile: 1) the electoral route, 2) the armed struggle, in case the first fails. In this regard, Nicolás Márquez, Argentine writer, in his book: The Communist Dictatorship of Salvador Allende, states the following:

The presidential elections were scheduled for September 4, 1970. Allende presented his candidacy representing the coalition called Popular Unity (UP), a political structure made up of a leafy conglomerate of extreme left sectors, several not exempt from being militarized and active in homicidal terrorism: the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Mapu, the Social Democratic Party, the Radical Party (PR), the Radical Left Party (PIR), Independent Popular Action (API), the Christian Left (IC) and unofficially the MIR (the latter not only supported politically but in fact became the main militarized arm of the UP).

The elections arrived, Allende, supported by the entire apparatus of the USSR, won the contest with 36.3% of the votes, Jorge Alessandri, representing the National Party, came second with 35% and Rodomiro Tomic, of the Christian Democracy, obtained 27 .84%.

Since none of the candidates had an absolute majority, as mandated by the Constitution, the decision to elect the next president was left in the hands of Congress. Finally, on November 3, 1970, with the support of the Christian Democrats, Allende became president.

A few days after receiving the presidential sash, Allende was interviewed by Régis Debray, in the final part the Chilean chief confesses to being willing to use violence to stop any opposition to his agenda, which was actually from the USSR.

His electoral and democratic façade would last very little, since on May 1, 1971, Fidel Castro gave his support and his "internationalists" to Allende. That is to say, the Caribbean tyrant confessed to having his thugs ready to bloody Chile if necessary.

However, the support was not only in shock groups and terrorism, there was also a lot of advice on "management" issues. Allende tried to nationalize North American companies based in Chile. Obviously, these bravado caused North American aid to progressively disappear in Santiago: from an annual average of 116 million dollars during the previous five years, it would only have 8.6 million in 1971, 7.4 million in 1972 and 3.8 million in 1973.

Following Castro's example, Salvador Allende enacted an agrarian reform that prohibited the possession of more than 80 hectares per person. This fact deepened and radicalized a process that had begun in the country in 1962 during the government of Eduardo Frei. In 18 months, the lands were transferred to the state administration, agricultural cooperatives or peasant settlements, in reality, cronies of the communist chief.

It is evident that massive expropriations put the Allende government far from democracy, since massive expropriation processes are typical of failed states and dictatorships.

It did not take many months to reveal the disaster caused by Allende and his henchmen. The sharp increase in the amount of money, due to the high fiscal deficit, together with the almost closure of the economy to international trade (tariff and non-tariff barriers to imports, nationalization of many export companies, exchange controls, etc.) caused high inflation. and also a sharp drop in the International reserves of the Central Bank of Chile.

Faced with this scenario of chaos and misery, on August 22, 1973, the Chamber of Deputies accused the government of having violated the Constitution and the laws. That day he approved his declaration on the Serious Breach of the Constitutional and Legal Order of the Republic, which accused the government of having violated the Constitution with the aim of establishing a totalitarian regime and ending democracy in Chile. The document stated the following:

The ministers who are members of the Armed Forces and the Carabineros, by virtue of the nature of the institutions of which they are senior members and whose names have been invoked to incorporate them into the Ministry, are responsible for immediately putting an end to all the factual situations referred to, which They violate the Constitution and the laws, in order to channel government action through the law and ensure the constitutional order of our country and the essential bases of democratic coexistence among Chileans.

The rest is known history, that on September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet saved his country from the clutches of communism.

In short, Allende led Chile to ostracism and prostration. And when popular fatigue and adversity occurred, instead of facing the situation virilely, he ended up shooting himself, although there are versions that say that Fidel Castro, just as he did with Ernesto Guevara, sent him away.

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