Puppeteers of chaos, violence and poverty

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 29/09/2024

Guest columnist.
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By nature I don't tend to focus on everyday incidents, but thank God I like to look beyond them, to seek out causes and ultimate intentions. I always ask myself: is this just what most people see or believe, or are there deeper, darker, denser things?

I will use the same method to explain the fight and break between Evo Morales and his successor, Luis Arce Catacora. To do so, it is necessary to look a little higher up, to his superiors, since neither the coca grower nor the economist are autonomous, but rather have transnational bosses. In that sense, let's get to work.

Fidel Castro, Lula Da Silva and Hugo Chávez positioned themselves as the visible leaders of the Sao Paulo Forum. Obviously, Evo Morales, the Kirchner couple and Rafael Correa basically occupied the position of representatives of a franchise, puppets without decision-making power. Something that Morales himself admitted at the XV ALBA-TCP Summit, his words were:

I joined in April 2006. Some comrades told me that we have to consult the people, the social movements. Here, there is nothing to consult, it is the line that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez give us.

Side note: we must recognize that Evo's verbal incontinence is honest, as he always says what evil he is going to do, for example, warning that he intended to stay in power for 500 years. However, let's continue with the line of this article.

Now, the fact that Castro and Chavez thought that Morales and Correa were puppets without a life of their own or aspirations for power does not mean that they are. In this regard, Nicolás Márquez, in his book: El cuentoro de Carondelet, describes very well Rafael Correa's intentions to become the top leader of 21st Century Socialism during the decade of 2010.

So, with Fidel dead, Raúl elderly, Chávez occupying his place in hell, Lula old and decrepit, although no less dangerous, and Rafael Correa condemned by the Ecuadorian justice system, eureka, the dispute to occupy a place at the top of the structure of the Sao Paulo Forum is reduced to the tyrant Maduro and the coca grower boss.

It is obvious that Evo knows that, in order to be in the sights of the Cubans, Russians, Chinese and Iranians, he needs to have decision-making power over Bolivian territory. Therefore, as long as the economist is sitting in the presidential chair, the coca grower sees his career cut short against Nicolás Maduro.

Are you already tying up the loose ends?

I help you:

Evo may be a little educated, but he is not stupid. Morales is using his ability to herd herds of bandits not only with the intention of being qualified as a candidate in the next elections, but also in his ambitions to rise to the top of 21st Century Socialism in order to consolidate his image as the new Che Guevara.

So, while in Venezuela the Cuban dictatorship is fighting for its survival, in Bolivia, with an economic crisis and a country on fire in the middle, the leadership of 21st Century Socialism is being fought for. We are literally in the hands of the puppeteers of chaos, violence and poverty.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».