Lula and Petro. With news on the front

Pedro Corzo

By: Pedro Corzo - 25/06/2023

Guest columnist.
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The convict Luis Inacio Lula da Silva and Gustavo Petro are, in my opinion, two individuals consistent with the commitments they made in earlier stages of their lives, the ones who were wrong, they were the ones who chose them thinking that they had changed their criteria and assumed new obligations.

I do not know if Da Silva and Petro were convinced Marxists or simple enemies of the society in which they had to grow up, but both their statements and government actions testify to their aspirations to promote the construction of a world contrary to the values ​​of a sector important to his constituents.

Apparently the bad memory suffered by many Latin Americans led them to forget that the Brazilian president is a corrupt politician sanctioned by a court of justice in his country, in addition to having been the main promoter of the Sao Paulo Forum, the instrument that the Castro Chavismo used to spread throughout Latin America and create organizations such as UNASUR, ALBA and CELAC, all with the objective of extending the influence of dictatorial or para-dictatorial regimes, as the political scientist Carlos Sánchez Bersaín describes, to the governments that emerged under electoral despotism .

In all honesty, we should not be surprised at Da Silva's defense of the Nicaraguan, Venezuelan and Cuban regimes, those dictatorships are his natural allies. The failure lies with those who do not think like him and elect him, moreover, in international circles, which regularly favor him, because of the political correctness, of the worker who became president.

For his part, the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, was a member of the insurgent group Movimiento 19 de Abril, not believing that the system of government could be changed through elections, a serious mistake, since through elections he be mayor of the capital and senator of the Republic.

The people granted Petro last year the highest honor to which a citizen can aspire, the presidency, however, instead of admitting that he was wrong to take up arms and fight against imperfect democracy, in a recent speech he defended the symbol disgraceful of real socialism, inspired by the Soviet Union and the Cuba of the Castro brothers.

The president said in Germany, “After a great neoliberal night, as we call it, neoconservative, others say, which, for decades, three or four decades, has dominated the world, fundamentally from precisely that geographical location and the demolition of the Berlin wall, brought a neoconservative wave, a destruction of the labor movement on a world scale, a formidable weakening and then a loss of value of the left”.

President Petro's nostalgia for a period in history that synthesizes the ignominious Berlin Wall, shows that he is a man of firm criteria, that his political and ideological conceptions have not changed, which is why Colombians must prepare for important changes. in the country, since its first magistrate is a leader who continues to believe in the options that he embraced at the age of 17 in the M-19, proposals that Colombians rejected for decades.

I repeat my comment from a few months ago. Mr. Gustavo Petro has more potential than Hugo Chávez to influence political affairs in the hemisphere; his approach to Nicolás Maduro could be disastrous for the best interests of Colombia, just as Cuba was for Venezuela.

According to the writer José Antonio Albertini, the friendships that tend to be enduring are those that are established in adolescence, he added, as well as the political and social commitments that some assume in their early youth, debts that seem to accompany us until the day of reckoning. , regardless of the interest to be paid. I believe, with regret, that Da Silva and Petro seem to be firm signs of the immutability of those hopes that we turn into duties.

This reflection has, of course, unpleasant edges that generate concerns, because alliances are sometimes forged with individuals who in their youth fought for postulates that they deny, even taking risks to achieve a kind of reparation; however, these individuals have at their disposal please the experience of having been associated with efforts contrary to human dignity and making amends is an obligation when a mistake is made.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».