Is the world in riot?

Luis Beltrán Guerra G.

By: Luis Beltrán Guerra G. - 29/06/2023

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The riot is defined by the RAE as "voicing or noise caused by one or more people." And also "disorder, tumult, riot, mutiny, shock, restlessness and anxiety." In other more ambitious sources of linguistics, it is equated with "jaleo, yelling, vocerío, hullabaloo, noise, bustle, racket, zipizape, fuss, hullabaloo, revelry, gibberish, brawl, scuffle and scandal". And by way of example "There was an uproar from our Father and Lord." "The riot" is, therefore, somewhat complicated and so is "the world."

Turning to religions we find revealing statements of complexities. Indeed, in "Bibles for America" ​​the question is asked: What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?, answering "In the Bible, the Greek word "cosmos", "world" in Spanish, "is the system established by Satan to prevent people from living for God.” And also, it is limited "God gave us a solid and unconditional commandment regarding the world in 1 John 2:15:" Do not love the world, "for it deceives and distracts us." The holy word seems, then, to corroborate the appreciation that “the world, to say the least, is in an uproar.

But the most worrying thing is that if we descend from heaven to earth, anguish turns into agony. The desperation, even justified, of the people to leave their countries hidden by dictators, in the great and medium powers the possession of nuclear weapons, the Supreme Court in the USA pronounces itself against the so-called "independent state legislature", which The sign of future elections could have changed, The National Rifle Association created in the 19th century has ceased to be a "recreational group" and opposes a rigorous control on the sale of weapons, which fall into the hands of disoriented people causing intolerable crimes, Byung-Chul Han, a renowned philosopher, recounts the crisis of democracy, today turned into an infocracy, attributed to the digital world whose hate news is decisive in public opinion, separating it from conscious measures. It gives the impression that we are a lot of people, where we look at each other without knowing who to accuse and defend. A kind of “vortex”, fed by an undeniable “anarchy”.

"The Americas", both those of the Center and those of the South, are drawn practically converted into colonies of Russia, the largest country in the universe, and of China, which covers, as it is read, a twelfth part of the length of the world, mentioning very particularly poor Cuba and damaged Venezuela, countries with a disastrous diversity of problems, that with the exception of the presumed riches of their geographies, already enough wasted, one does not understand, at least, the long journey from distant Asia in order to judge what they can do here. The reason given is to conduct "intelligence" in the US, given its proximity to the "Giant of the North." A stubborn observer, at first, would wonder, perhaps the Chinese and Russians do not have their own problems to abandon them in an attempt to solve other people's. Or perhaps we will be returning to the old conquests. Better expressed "old".

In the entanglement, a not entirely serious qualification of governments, forced to enter the womb of political movements created throughout history, as if they were shells, which must have their founders quite "sicaliptic". Left and right, communism and socialism, the most common mentions, with the consequence that their producers, more than disappointed, die with a marked anger, including those already buried, who express it even from hell, if that is where they are. A list of “The ten most influential thinkers on the left” has just appeared in the press, the result of a survey carried out by Ideas: Karl Marx, Judith Butler, Antonio Gramsci, Thomas Piketty, Michel Foucault, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Jurgen Habermas, Karl Polanyi, and Walter Benjamin. It could be another list, but this is the one that has emerged and gives an idea of ​​the intellectual environment of the left in the third decade of the 21st century. Names that could well be inside remain at the doors: Noam Chomsky, Nancy Fraser, John Maynard Keynes, Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau, Mariana Mazzucato, Simone Weil, Silvia Federici, David Harvey, Donna Haraway and Slavoj Zizek. A dozen geniuses. On the right side, Alexander Gaulan and Alice Weidel, Germany, Jussi Halla-ajo, Finland, Mateo Salvini, Italy, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Marine Le Pen, France and Santiago Abascal, Spain. Human they are and with their virtues and defects. They have responsibility in "the fuss", logically. Names that could well be inside remain at the doors: Noam Chomsky, Nancy Fraser, John Maynard Keynes, Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau, Mariana Mazzucato, Simone Weil, Silvia Federici, David Harvey, Donna Haraway and Slavoj Zizek. A dozen geniuses. On the right side, Alexander Gaulan and Alice Weidel, Germany, Jussi Halla-ajo, Finland, Mateo Salvini, Italy, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Marine Le Pen, France and Santiago Abascal, Spain. Human they are and with their virtues and defects. They have responsibility in "the fuss", logically. Names that could well be inside remain at the doors: Noam Chomsky, Nancy Fraser, John Maynard Keynes, Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau, Mariana Mazzucato, Simone Weil, Silvia Federici, David Harvey, Donna Haraway and Slavoj Zizek. A dozen geniuses. On the right side, Alexander Gaulan and Alice Weidel, Germany, Jussi Halla-ajo, Finland, Mateo Salvini, Italy, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Marine Le Pen, France and Santiago Abascal, Spain. Human they are and with their virtues and defects. They have responsibility in "the fuss", logically. Mateo Salvini, Italy, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Marine Le Pen, France and Santiago Abascal, Spain. Human they are and with their virtues and defects. They have responsibility in "the fuss", logically. Mateo Salvini, Italy, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Marine Le Pen, France and Santiago Abascal, Spain. Human they are and with their virtues and defects. They have responsibility in "the fuss", logically.

Many other appreciations, to mention them would require a lot of ink and paper. In them, some: electoral apathy, electing idiots and bums, the democratization of homosexuality, a man named Bezos who pays enormous amounts of money to see the space in no more than five minutes and the discussion if he is more millionaire than George Soros , Elon Musk and Warren Buffett, in principle, the most serious of all. Today and daily the moral of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He is a humanity that wanders between a minimum of goodness and a maximization of non-tolerance, not to say, of evil.

The chapters that today enhance the disaster are of the most varied nature. Among others, the declared war between the Republicans and Democrats in the US during the presidential terms of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Putin's invasion of Ukraine, initially on the grounds that it is not convenient for Russia to have at the forefront of noses into NATO, the famines created by corrupt regimes and the consequent migrations in search of a better life in other countries, the prostitution of the military sector in order to buy the support of ineffective governments, the multiplication of aspirants to govern, without knowing what it consists of, public money in the hands of merchants for their own benefits, personal ambitions, against which what they call "homeland" has become a slogan misused in pursuit of the votes of ignorance. And finally, the absence of citizenship, the backbone of democracies.

This essay would be much more incomplete if Mr. Yevgeny Prigozhin is not mentioned, for "the media", nicknamed "Putin's chef", for catering for the Russian government (The Kremlin). He is described as a businessman and a convicted criminal. He is the head of the CMP Wagner group to which, through a kind of "commodate", he is entrusted with the provision of military services in Russia, as well as in Syria, Libya, Central Africa and Mali. He is considered one of the largest private military organizations in the world. The lawsuits between Prigozhin and the Minister of Defense on the occasion of the invasion of Ukraine, generated the last uproar of recent days and nothing more and less than in Russia, where in principle the rule to exist is like the one that is lived in the X-ray rooms, “Breathe, Don't breathe, You can breathe”.

It seems that based on this narrative, it is downhill not to ask yourself:

Is it perhaps true, repeating the appreciation written at the beginning, that the world "is the system established by Satan to prevent people from living for God."

And that is why it is a riot!

Comments welcome.


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