Genocide: Putin bombs children's hospital

Luis Gonzales Posada

By: Luis Gonzales Posada - 14/07/2024

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The world has been shocked to learn of the launch of 43 Russian Kh-102 missiles against a pediatric hospital in kyiv, Ukraine, resulting in the death of an unknown number of children and the injury of 190.

The creatures died burned, torn to pieces or suffocated by smoke; Many suffered burns of varying degrees, and will always remember the terrifying sound of projectiles or the roar of explosions.

The United Nations and the majority of countries - including Peru - raised their indignant voice of protest against this barbaric act committed by Vladimir Putin, a revived version of Adolf Hitler.

In that context, let us remember that the war against Ukraine has been going on for two years and five months, a period in which some 300,000 soldiers and civilians have died on both sides, although there is no way to know a precise figure.

Likewise, the destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure has been estimated by the United Nations at 486 billion euros, a figure that is equivalent to about 2.8 times that country's GDP (UN News 02/15/2024)

It is not, however, the first time that Putin has been cruel to children.

A dramatic report published by the Spanish newspaper El País narrates that nearly 20,000 minors have been deported to Russia since the beginning of the invasion in February 2002, as well as other attacks involving minors that fit into the legal classification of genocide.

That same 2022, television projected, in fact, images of 420 corpses found in the town of Bucha, lying in the streets, in houses or ditches, where the bodies of women, elderly people and children were thrown with their hands tied behind their backs and signs of having been tortured.

Another 18 dead were discovered in the basement of a home, with their ears cut off and their teeth knocked out, according to the international press.

Bucha, a small city of 37 thousand inhabitants, located 28 kilometers from the capital, was occupied for a month by the Russian troops of the 64 Motorized Rifle Brigade, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Azatbek Omurbekev, who, for that criminal act, was distinguished with the honorary title of “Hero of the Russian Federation”, following the same protocol of decorations that Hitler awarded to assassins in the service of the III Raich, such as Himmler, Goering and Goebbles.

Furthermore, the war conflict has caused the disappearance of two thousand eight children, the death of 551, nearly 1,400 injuries and 15 cases of sexual violations, figures that must have increased significantly in recent months.

For these considerations, the International Criminal Court ordered the arrest of Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Kremlin Commissioner for Children's Rights; a symbolic measure, without any practical effect, because the Russians do not recognize the jurisdiction of the Court and Putin does not move to areas where he can be detained.

On the other hand, the kyiv open digital portal reported that the Ukrainian ambassador to the Netherlands, Olexsandr

Karasevych told the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) that "the Russian authorities take away the children's nationality. They change their names and surnames. They are then adopted or placed in shelters, and prevent them from returning to their homeland.

Due to these barbaric acts, Russia lost the seat it occupied on the UN Human Rights Council, but, contradictorily, a few weeks later it was elected president of that organization's Security Council, an inconsistency that discredits the largest world organization.

Although the rejection of the Soviet genocidal policy is almost universal, China, Iran and North Korea have become powerful diplomatic allies of the Kremlin; and, in our hemisphere, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and now Bolivia, whose president, Luis Arce, was visiting Moscow, where he signed agreements for the exploitation of lithium deposits and the development of nuclear energy.

Business is business, is the anetic slogan of the socialist governments of the 21st century, while the West is compacting and manifesting its foreign policy through the granting of credits and the provision of weapons to Ukraine, and strengthening NATO, which today comprises 32 State.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».