Evil conjoined twins

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 25/06/2023

Guest columnist.
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The Nobel Prize in Economics, Friedrich August von Hayek, left us a great lesson: Nazis, socialists, fascists and communists, regardless of the differences in the narratives, aim at total control of state power and the lives of their fellow citizens. .

Obviously, in this type of system, dissent of ideas is not acceptable. Religious, civil, political and economic liberties are suppressed. The citizen has to make the plans of the State his own, there is not the slightest space left for individual life projects. That is the heart of the matter, since persecuting innocent citizens, destroying other people's property, beating opponents and managing the dungeons of the regime are "jobs" that can only be carried out by people without the slightest scruple, golfers.

Until the fall of the Berlin Wall, the headquarters of organized crime was in Moscow, from there operations were directed against Asia, Europe, Africa and, with the support of Cuba, against all of Latin America. It is a well-known fact that Fidel Castro tried to expand his rule to as many countries as possible, for example, Venezuela, Chile, Nicaragua and Bolivia were victims of Castro's invasions in the 1960s and 1970s.

The Chilean historian, Joaquín Fermandois, on several occasions and writings, recounted that Castro, first, encouraged and prepared the armed struggle of the MIR, and later that of the Manuel Rodríguez Front. His goal was to provoke a rebellion that would destroy or incapacitate the Chilean armed forces, making it impossible for a democratic exit in Chile, since the force would lie in the militias. In addition, he also reminds us that, in 1973, before the heroic intervention of General Pinochet against the nefarious regime of Salvador Allende, the Cuban embassy served as a warehouse for weapons and a coordination center with the rioters of the Chilean and regional left.

Already in the 1980s, through his ambassador to Colombia, Fernando Ravelo, the Cuban dictator connected with Carlos Lehder, Pablo Escobar, Gustavo Gaviria and Roberto Suarez with the aim of, in Castro's own words, flooding the United States with cocaine. .

Note the strategy of the Caribbean tyrant: On the one hand, he continued to receive all the economic aid from the USSR, but, on the other, he put his claws into drug trafficking, eventually discovering that drug dollars were more profitable than Soviet subsidies.

With all this criminal Know-how, in 1990, Fidel Castro and Lula Da Silva founded the Sao Paulo Forum. Analyzing the consequences of neoliberalism in the region was the declared objective of this new socialist brotherhood. However, reality, more than three decades after its foundation, shows us that it is a highly dangerous criminal organization. In this regard, Leonardo Coutinho, a journalist specializing in Transnational Crime, explains that since its inception the Forum has been linked to the common underworld. However, it was in 2002 that this relationship became evident in Brazil, when Mauricio Hernández Norambuena, a militant of the Chilean left trained in Cuba and caught in Sao Paulo for robbing banks, sealed an agreement with the First Capital Command, the gang most dangerous in Brazil.

In March 2023, at the event called: The axis of the Latin American autocratic oligarchies, held in Madrid, Antonio Ledezma Díaz, former mayor of Caracas, denounced that the dictatorship of his country supplied refined oil to the National Liberation Army, a Colombian terrorist group . Another of the participants, the former Minister of the Interior of Ecuador María Paula Romo, designated the Juventud Guevarista group of Ecuador as responsible for human trafficking between her country and Venezuela.

It is evident that the Sao Paulo Forum has established a network of mafia governments throughout the region. Drug trafficking is its mother crime from which others emerge, among them, State terrorism. It is time to stop treating all this as social and political phenomena, since it is more than evident that Castro Chavismo and organized crime are evil conjoined twins.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».