Bolivia, you can't ask for pears from an elm tree

Hugo Marcelo Balderrama

By: Hugo Marcelo Balderrama - 14/10/2024

Guest columnist.
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The economic crisis in Bolivia can no longer be hidden. The disaster is so great that even the dictatorship had to admit it. Marcelo Montenegro, the minister of the area, was in charge of talking about the 5% inflation. Obviously, they blamed the international situation, climate change and even the vendors in the popular markets. Everyone is responsible for the rise in prices, the lack of dollars and the misery of households, yes, everyone, except them, who do everything "right."

However, a question is valid here: is it possible that the MAS, in any of its factions, make a change of direction, as Víctor Paz did at the time with the MNR?

The answer is simple: No.

The fact is that the MAS, as much as it presents itself as the representation and voice of the indigenous peoples of Bolivia, is, in reality, an occupying force that responds to a transnational criminal franchise called: 21st Century Socialism. Logically, its interests are not the interests of Bolivians.

Their only objective is to remain in power indefinitely, for which they have a three-part plan: 1) Complete modifications to the constitutions of the countries, 2) Deinstitutionalization of security and defense agencies (Police and Armed Forces), 3) Centralization of economic activity in the hands of the central government. In fact, the promulgation of the Constitution of the Plurinational State is the culmination of their plans and, at the same time, the genesis of the economic crisis that the country is going through.

Many opponents tend to criticize the MAS for having squandered the bonanza that the gas left behind, assuming that the issue was due to a lack of knowledge on economic issues. However, that is a very short-sighted and, even worse, benevolent reading of the management of the coca grower Morales and the current one. Let's see:

We must understand that the rulers who adhere to 21st Century Socialism first take away any possibility of progress and personal development. Second, they turn the State into a large employment agency for their militants, ergo, they raise public spending to astronomical levels. Third, under any subterfuge, they take dollars out of circulation and increase the amount of national currency in circulation to create fictitious booms. Finally, they annul private property. All of the above is the most efficient way to generate masses of poor, miserable, dependent and slave people.

In this regard, the Peruvian economist, Ian Vásquez, in his article: Cuban slaves for export, states that:

There are more than 8,600 Cuban doctors in Brazil. Cuba has such arrangements with countries around the world. Some pay more. According to Cuba Archive, Cuba receives US$25,000 per month from Saudi Arabia for each plastic surgeon. In fact, Cuba does not limit itself to exporting the work of doctors. It sends around 65,000 professionals of all kinds. For Cuba, this has become an indispensable business. In 2016, the income from Cuban professionals sent abroad represented an income of US$8 billion for the Cuban State, more than double what the country earns from tourism. The export of the services of Cuban professionals is the most important source of income and the hard currency of the regime.

But it is not necessary to look at Cuba, it is enough to look closely at the behavior of Arce Catacora and Evo Morales, who in their current power struggle are using their militants as shock troops and even as sexual slaves.

In conclusion, the government has no solution to the crisis, as its real strategy is to make it worse. We are not governed by statesmen, but by a gang of bandits who have made poverty their business.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».