La lucha permanente e irrenunciable contra las tiranías que azotan a los pueblos de América Latina, es la agenda permanente que nos deja Carlos Alberto que expuso su vida para denunciarlas y derrotarlas.
La partida de Carlos Alberto en tiempos en que la libertad está bajo acecho en el mundo globalizado y en particular en América Latina y en su amada patria Cuba, deja el legado y el mandato de continuar la lucha para lograr una Cuba y una América libres de dictaduras.
Julio 2024
El Directorio.
It is made up of academics, politicians, professionals, workers. businessmen, men and women of different nationalities. It is a think tank without partisan connotations, which in order to achieve its objectives conducts academic research, seminars, colloquiums and events in a context of pluralism and tolerance. It maintains an Editorial Fund for the publication of works that contribute to the dissemination and defense of democracy, freedom and institutionality.
It seeks to integrate the academic aspects of political science with practical politics. From this conjunction arises a more realistic discipline and a better preparation for the exercise of political activity.
Its main office is in Miami, a natural meeting point for Hispanic and Anglo-Saxon cultures and the most suitable place to promote better knowledge and integration between citizens, leaders and institutions with similar purposes in the Americas.The Inter-American Institute for Democracy is a non-profit organization under regulation 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contributions may qualify as gifts from corporate entities. Contributions, tax-free as permitted by law, are received from individuals, foundations, corporations and limited partnerships. Read More
Ours Director's opinion
The books edited by the Interamerican Institute for Democracy Publishing Fund, including our quarterly publication Democracy Papers.
Memoria 2024: Interamerican Institute for Democracy (Spanish Edition) Paperback
Democracy Paper No. 26. Foro: “Bolivia: del golpe de Estado 2003 al 2024”. Democracia / dictadura.
Chile y su giro de 360 grados
Premios que otorga anualmente el IID